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since 1986

It all began...

with the connection that food brings to friends and family.

Ever since I was a little kid I can remember food bringing my family together for holidays, birthdays, and other celebrations of life. To this day the smell of homemade chicken soup immediately triggers memories of my Grandma Brookshire's homemade chicken soup; what is still to this day one of my favorite meals I have ever eaten. When I smell chicken soup it will forever fill my heart with warmth and the memories of all the great times I spent with my family eating good food, laughing and enjoying each others company. 

      It's really simple for me; cook delicious food that brings joy to peoples lives while having fun in the process. My personal journey as a chef began at a young age as my interest in food has been with me as long as I can remember. I got my culinary degree from Johnson & Wales University and never looked back. I have worked in multiple Denver restaurants for years developing my own cooking style. Taking notes from all the diversity of cultures and cuisines of the world. Bold flavors and refined technique paired with locally sourced food create my signature New World Cuisine.

I hope someday you can try my food!

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